It is an author’s prerogative for a bit of detour content; right? While “the hubby” is included in many of my posts as my most-frequent travel companion, I try not to center the message ON him.

This is an exception as today we celebrate 35 “trips around the sun” as husband and wife. Many of you know it was a short courtship — just 19 days from first date to engagement, with the wedding some eight months later. Many predicted — mostly close relatives — that it wouldn’t last. After all, how can one know in such a short period of time?

It remains the best decision I ever made. Through the typical challenges — how to raise our two kids to be the thriving, responsible adults they now are; income uncertainty with two self-employed careers; family drama and whatever else caused brief bumps in the road — we have been and will always be each other’s most ardent supporter.

To my unique (in many ways) hubby — I am blessed beyond all thought with this life we have built. And they said it wouldn’t last …

6 Responses
Congrats on 35 happy years
This coming Monday is 51 years for us
xoxo Joanie
Thank you, my friend! You lead by example. xx
You guys are awesome. Congratulations and I hope you have many more years together. Nita and I are at 51 and I love her more today than when we were married. Hope to see you and Bruce in the near future. Go Dodgers!!
Thank you so much! Couples like you serve as wonderful role models, most especially for your family. Yes, Go Dodgers!
Congratulations and Best Wishes for the next 35
Maddy and John
P.S. just to be said:we tied the knot in March 1984 which was only 6 months after we met for the very first time
Thank you, my friend! Great minds think alike. Hope you two are well..