If you pay attention at all to the calendar, you are probably aware that on March 13 we turn the clocks forward to allow for progressively longer days and more sunlight. We “lose” an hour initially and many of us will be waking up to darkness, but then many are able to make their evening commute with more light. Those interested in the history of Daylight Savings Time should click here — lots of fun facts and controversies as well.
For this “Gardener Girl” (the hubby’s term of endearment), this time of year signals abundance and a promise of things to come. While thus far, the enormous El Nino has not fully materialized, we southern (and northern) Californians have still enjoyed the most rain of the past 4-5 years so “spring is busting out all over” as the saying goes.
This is year two of my produce garden and I am delighted to report that all of my fruit trees have prolific blooms! The berry vines are spreading out, the flat of celery (I was already home when I realized I hadn’t bought italian parsley, to be honest) is growing like gangbusters, carrots are progressing and there are tons of daisies. The roses have started to come out and my incredibly reliable cymbidium orchid has many spikes. The indoor phalaenopsis orchids growing in my kitchen window have many plants with spikes and a couple have bloomed. All in all, I am uplifted by the beauty of it all!
I always try to give credit where credit is due — mostly to my maternal grandmother (Nana), who was a prolific rosarian, and to my mom who babied her plants for many years … thanks for the inspiration!