Snippets from the Road


hotel fees

It’s everyone’s favorite subject; right? I’ve written about it before. But it’s a topic that never seems to go away.

As recently covered in the Wall Street Journal, people dispute those charges either on their own or even via advocacy groups. My contention has always been just bundle all costs into the nightly rate. No one likes to be “nickel and dimed” to death, so just show me the total I will be charged in advance. That would enable people to make a fair comparison to other hotel rates up front.

My favorite takeaway from Dawn Gilbertson‘s aforementioned column is about John Morris, a triple amputee who cannot use the bulk of amenities included in typical resort fees. Why would any desk clerk not be astute enough to recognize that fact immediately upon his arrival? Logic suggests the charges be deleted. To his immense credit, he turned his misfortune into a good thing with his website, Wheelchair Travel.

Have you ever noticed how many places in Europe are very challenging to navigate — even for us ambulatory folks? Santorini in the photo below comes to mind (those steps nearly killed the hubby and me). It strikes me that wheelchair-bound individuals are particularly disadvantaged there. I’ve seen many a person in a chair lifted by fellow travelers in order to achieve the same experiences we have. So I highly recommend Mr. Morris’s site not only for astute travel tips but for incredible inspiration.

How do the hotels and other types of lodging view this subject?  Stay tuned for my next post.